LIFE COACH TRAINING (Research & Evidenced Based)

Inspire one Person| Empower a Community | Transform the World

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Meet the Founder

Dr. Donna Speeks Armstrong

Our History

The Life Coaching Institute of San Antonio was established in 2013.  The Institute offered its first class in October of 2014 and graduated 4 students in December of 2014.  This institute was fashioned to educate community leaders on invoking real positive and  lasting change. The objective is to promote helping hands and hearts in our communities and to empower people to strive to be their personal best


What I have learned, and has become a cheif aim, is that; being able to connect with people and make the most out of every conversation is a key component to truly empowering people.



This Institute is based on the idea that as humans we really only drawing from the surface waters of the deep well of resources within us. The reason to include coaching as a tool in your professsion is to help people discover the appropriate answer for "their" situations or improve work performance.  The art of Coaching is a learned skill-set.


Our curriculumn will teach you about the dynamics of coaching, the coaching process, how to start your practice, and offers on going support and CEU's.


Donna has over 25 years of front line experience in "Coaching Teams To Success!!".   She has managed million dollar health clubs and has earned a Doctorate in Christian Counseling  from  Guadalupe Theological Seminary/NCCA Accredited, Masters Degree in Human Service Counseling: Life Coaching Cognate,and a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology,  from Liberty University. Both degree program specialized in Life Coaching.   



Donna is an active life coach, working with individuals, companies, men, women, children, and families. One of her passions is her work with women in recovery. Donna bought her first coaching book in 1990 when she was in manangement at one of San Antonio's premiere health and wellness centers.  She always believed it was most natural to coach rather than command. This method of leading teams to success has caused her to be highly blessed with a lucrative career of 25 years in manangement and leadership positions a succesful entreprenuer standing on the foundation of coaching principles.